Listed below are the minimum requirements for both Scouts and Adults traveling with Scouts on the trip.




Minimum requirements

JULY 9  -  JULY 19,  2011

All Scouts and Leaders--Minimum Requirements are to be completed by June 14, 2011

> Second Class Rank (scouts)
> Practice and demonstrate Leave No Trace(scouts and leaders) Visit: LEAVE NO TRACE - BSA
> Active member of Troop 19 for at least 9 months (70% participation)

> Dues up to date
> Scout Spirit
> Proper Equipment and Clothing based upon the list of required equipment
> Attend Information and Training Sessions for skill training and Yellowstone knowledge
> Participate in two (2) overnight backpacking trips from the period Sept 1, 2010 to June 30, 2011.
> Mandatory 100% participation is required for the May 31 ­ June 2 Backpack


Yellowstone Leaders:

Health and Safety is paramount to our trip and proper planning will mitigate much of the risk. We will be conducting training at the troop meetings starting on March 28, 2011. It is imperative that all our leaders and youth participants attend these sessions.

I have attached a few helpful links that I strongly encourage everyone to review. The first is a non-scout link but an excellent resource. This is from the Princeton University Outing Club. They maintain an excellent site for safety and wilderness skills. Be sure to bookmark it and use it often: A lot of good suggestions on trip planning in addition to safety.
The next site is the
Official BSA Guide to Safe Scouting. The BSA polices and procedures for any type of outdoor activity. From swimming and canoeing to sky diving (not approved BSA activity) to adult supervision requirements.

Greg Anthony

Text Box: > Tenderfoot Rank (scouts)
> Practice and demonstrate Leave No Trace
   (scouts and leaders) on shakedown hikes
> Active member of Troop 19 for at least 
   9 months (with at least 70% participation)
> Dues up to date
> Scout Spirit
> Proper Equipment and clothing based upon 
   the list of required equipment
> Attend Information and Training Sessions for 
   skill training and Yellowstone knowledge
   See Training Schedule
> Participate in two (2) overnight backpacking 
   trips between Sept 1, 2010 to June 30, 2011.
> Mandatory 100% participation is required for 
   the June 4th and 5th backpacking/over-night   
   camping trip in the White Mountains.
> Registered adults hiking with the patrols
   MUST be WFA and CPR certified.